Weight Loss Tips That Can Make You Lose Weight Faster

There are some very basic weight loss tips that can help you reduce your weight. If you strictly follow these simple steps, you might not even need to opt for any weight loss program. Now without wasting any more time, get to the business.

Avoid Eating Processed Foods

The entire family of processed foods contains all kinds of diet disasters; you name it and it is there, like sugars, fats, excess salts and many others. Throw out the white foods out of your window which may include but not limited to pasta, rice, bread, etc. You should also avoid using refined carbohydrates. Instead you should pay attention on eating raw foods like, vegetables, pulses, fruits and nuts and don't forget to eat some freshly prepared meals too.

Never make a List of Banned Foods

When you put some food in the banned list, you happen to develop cravings for those foods, which is a human tendency. Therefore, if you want to stop developing cravings for particular food items, you should daily treat yourself with those foods items (e.g. chocolates, cakes, etc.) in very less quantity.

Be Active and Indulge in Some Physical Activities Too

Many people complain of their habit of munching on snacks or fast foods when they don't have anything else to do. So, you need to get active and make yourself busy in some physical activities. This would not let you get bored and hence you won't eat any junk foods. Moreover, you also get to burn calories by indulging in some kind of physical activity, like playing tennis, cycling, mowing and many other such activities.

Try to Achieve Short-Term Goals rather than Going for a Long-Term Goal

Most of the people give up their determination of losing weight in the midway itself due to impossible to reach goals. Making long-term goals doesn't come under the good weight loss tips. So, you need to break down your main goal into several short term-goals, which will make it easier for you to achieve your goals. Besides, you may also reward yourself every time you achieve a short term goal. This would instill a new lease of life to your determination of losing weight.

Don't Forget to Drink Water

You must understand the importance of water in keeping your slim and trim and hence you must drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. But don't go for the flavored or frizzy water because they contain some hidden calories, which could be detrimental for your health.

Food Diary

Food diary is a good way to track your food habit. It would also be helpful to calculate your total calorie consumption in a given time period. If you don't find your diet regimen to be calorie-effective, you can change your diet preference any time by consulting your food diary. Maintaining a food diary is one of the most important weight loss tips.

Great Tasting Food Offered at Weight Loss Camp

Sitting down to a great tasting meal is one of the pleasures that many people look forward to every time they eat. It is blamed as the culprit for why many people do not diet and are overweight because some people are not willing to sacrifice great taste. Of course, when it comes to dieting, there are many bogus claims by some of the meal makers who suggest that no matter what you eat as long as it is made by them, you will enjoy the taste. The truth of the matter is that if you are planning to go on a diet and you have a specific meal plan to follow that eliminates many foods you have previously enjoyed the taste of, you need to have a choice of foods that still satisfy your taste buds.

Fortunately, you can enjoy the beautiful surroundings of fitness camp and get great tasting food at the same time. True enough, not all weight loss camps are created equal but for the price of some due diligence in your research, you can find the type of weight loss camp that provides nutritionally balanced meals and snacks that also taste great. This is a part of what will help you to stay on the diet at camp and to maximize your weight loss, so it is very important that nutritionists know how to prepare food that tastes good.

Perhaps you are someone who likes to skip breakfast or has become accustomed to grabbing fast food on the good. Weight loss camp will provide you with the perfect atmosphere to get you out of those bad habits, into healthy eating and on track for weight loss. A weight loss camp like Trimmer You Boot Camp offers a typical menu that includes porridge with seeds and fresh berries for breakfast, carrot and cumin soup, tortillas and fresh salad for lunch, poached salmon with apricot salsa and sweet potato for dinner and snacks of fruit, seeds, nuts, dark chocolate, vegetables and oat cakes.

It is the kind of great tasting food that gives you energy throughout the day to perform the intense physical activities that are required without feeling hungry or bloated. When you want great taste combined with nutritionally balanced meals to help maximize your fitness efforts, weight loss camp locations like Trimmer You Boot Camp offer excellent selections that taste superb and present variety to keep your palette pleased.

A weight loss boot camp is a place people can go and focus on their own health and fitness. Richard Herman is an expert in the field of weight loss - and this is his recommendation if you are finding it hard to find time to start losing weight. You may need a boot camp style training facility in order to achieve this.

Hugging Pigeon Hip Stretch

Blue skies and a warm breeze totally motivate me to exercise outdoors, so I've been doing lots of running, biking, and hiking. My muscles are becoming stronger, but they're also getting tighter, especially my hips. If you're in need of a good hip stretch, give this Pigeon variation a try. Bending your bottom knee next to your thigh intensifies this stretch so you also feel it in your quad, shin, and the top of your foot.

To learn an easier modification, just read the following.

  • Sit on the floor with both legs straight out in front of you. Bend your left knee so your heel is close to your bum and the top of your foot is pointing down. If this bothers your knee, bend it in the other direction, opening the knee out to the side, bringing the sole of your foot against your right inner thigh. Still hurts? Just keep your left leg straight out in front of you. This will bring the stretch solely into your right hip, instead of stretching your left quad and shin as well.
  • Sitting with a tall spine, bend your right knee and lift your shin up toward your chest, wrapping your arms around your right knee and foot. Hug your knee as close as you can toward your chest to intensify the stretch. Continue to sit up straight with relaxed shoulders.
  • It may feel good to rock your shin slightly from side to side (like a baby), or you may prefer to hold the position. After 30 seconds, straighten both legs out in front of you, and repeat this stretch on the other side.

How To Get Skinny Fast

To get skinny really fast, you need to have a strong desire in getting skinny. Nothing in this world can be achieved without sheer determination and hard work. If you want something so badly, in order to get it, you need to focus and determined to get skinny.

To successfully get skinny, there are 2 tasks that you need to fulfil. The first task is that you need to make a commitment to exercise consistently. Exercise can be in the form of sports such as badminton or football, or slow jog in the park. The second task is that you need to make a commitment to dieting. If you can fulfil the 2 tasks above, you definitely be able to shed those extra fats around your waist. Let us talk more about the 2 tasks in detailed above.

Exercising consistently allows your body to have a higher metabolism rate, which in turn burn fats faster. If you drink lots of water and eat right, you will not need to spend more than 30 minutes of good exercise, 3 times a week. The key here is to stick to your exercise timetable, which is 3 times a week. One way to stick to your exercise timetable is for you to find a buddy and have him or her to exercise with you. With a buddy around, you will be more committed to your exercise schedule.

Eating right is the most important step in getting skinny. You may think that by not eating, you will become skinny. However, nothing is further from the truth. By skipping meals, you are confusing your body! When you never eat, your body get used to surviving in a starvation mode. Then when you start to eat, your body now needs to work harder to burn the food. But at the same time, your body will keep some food and store as fats, so as to prepare for your next starvation. With this kind of confusion, it is no surprise that you cannot get skinny.

What you need to do is very simple. Do not skip meal and eat! Increase the number of meals every day, but have smaller portion of food for each meal. In each meal, make sure that there are vegetables and fruits, so as to help in your digestions.

Sometimes, the reason why you cannot become skinny is that your body has too much toxic. When your body takes in too many impurities such as dirty air and cigarettes smoke, it will protect you by storing them into fats. This is why sometimes you will feel bloated and makes your stomach feel uncomfortable.

The solution for this is to detoxify your fat cells. Take in more fruits juice such as banana juice, and ginger tea which will help to detoxify your fat cells.

To get skinny, it all starts from your state of mind. If you are determined enough to lose weight, you can do it as long as you preserver through the plan that you have set. Be committed and stay focus to your goal. When you are determined to do something, you will find solutions to problems, and getting skinny is just another easy problem for you to solve.

Exercise During and After Cancer Treatment

Exercise During and After Cancer Treatment

Cancer patients who’ve been told to rest and avoid exercise can — and should — find ways to be physically active both during and after treatment, according to new national guidelines.

Kathryn Schmitz, PhD, MPH, an associate professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics and a member of the Abramson Cancer Center at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, will present these guidelines at an educational session at the 2010 meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, aimed at making cancer exercise rehabilitation programs as common as those offered to people who have had heart attacks or undergone cardiac surgery.

Schmitz, whose previous research reversed decades of cautionary exercise advice given to breast cancer patients with the painful arm-swelling condition lymphedema, led a 13-member American College of Sports Medicine expert panel that developed the new recommendations after reviewing and evaluating literature on the safety and efficacy of exercise training during and after cancer therapy.

“We have to get doctors past the ideas that exercise is harmful to their cancer patients. There is a still a prevailing attitude out there that patients shouldn’t push themselves during treatment, but our message — avoid inactivity — is essential,” Schmitz says. “We now have a compelling body of high quality evidence that exercise during and after treatment is safe and beneficial for these patients, even those undergoing complex procedures such as stem cell transplants. If physicians want to avoid doing harm, they need to incorporate these guidelines into their clinical practice in a systematic way.”

Cancer patients and survivors should strive to get the same 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise that is recommended for the general public, the panel says. Though the evidence indicates that most types of physical activity — from swimming to yoga to strength training — are beneficial for cancer patients, clinicians should tailor exercise recommendations to individual patients, taking into account their general fitness level, specific diagnosis and factors about their disease that might influence exercise safety. Cancer patients with weakened ability to fight infection, for instance, may be advised to avoid exercise in public gyms.

One persistent area of concern for cancer patients is change in body mass — both weight gain and weight loss tied to disease symptoms and treatment side effects. Patients with hormone-based tumors, breast and prostate cancers, tend to gain weight during treatment and frequently have difficulty losing it. Other patients, especially those with gastrointestinal tumors, suffer from weight loss brought on by loss of appetite and changes in their ability to swallow and properly digest food. The new guidelines indicate that both groups can benefit from exercise. Studies show, for instance, that exercise for weight control and reduction in body mass may actually reduce the risk of recurrence for breast cancer patients, and ultimately decrease breast cancer mortality. For patients suffering from cancer-related weight loss, physical activity helps to maintain lean body mass, which can contribute to increased strength and well being.

Schmitz and her colleagues analyzed published studies related to five different adult cancer types (breast, during and after treatment, prostate, hematologic — with and without stem cell transplant — colon, and gynecologic), and reviewed the evidence for multiple health outcomes. The panel found that although there are specific risks associated with cancer treatment that need to be considered when patients exercise, there is consistent evidence that exercise training can lead to improvements in aerobic fitness, muscular strength, quality of life and fatigue in breast, prostate, and hematologic cancer patients and survivors. They found the data for colon and gynecologic cancers were too scant to draw firm conclusions, and identified several areas requiring further study. Age, for instance, is a critical variable, Schmitz says, since more must be learned about the effects of physical activity in cancer patients over age 65, to develop interventions that may help these patients continue to live and function independently.

The panel urges fitness professionals to enhance their capacity to serve the unique needs of cancer survivors. Schmitz noted that a “groundswell” of training programs now assist physical therapists and fitness trainers in deepening their knowledge of the effects of cancer diagnosis and treatment and improve their skills in this emerging area.

Schmitz also feels strongly that practicing oncologists need to be informed about the new guidelines and their importance, and says that patients can play a role in changing attitudes and clinical practice. Her hope is that patients will read the recommendations and discuss them with their doctors, creating the demand for change that will drive more cancer centers and oncology practices to create and offer cancer exercise rehabilitation services.

A Healthy Bite: Cindy Crawford

"If the kids want to go for ice cream, I'll get ice cream, too. I don't want my daughter to think that being a beautiful woman is about depriving yourself. She sees me exercising. She sees me eating right. I want to be a good example for her."

— Cindy Crawford on setting a healthy example for her daughter Kaia. The former supermodel appears in Ladies' Home Journal this month, telling the mag that she stays healthy by working out at the gym three days a week and by following the Mediterranean diet.